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Department of Physics

Chair for Experimental Physics III - Ultrafast Nanooptics

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Melbourne Workshop

24.02.2025: Our international graduate school OPTEXC meets at Melbourne University.


Best PhD-Talk at the ANZ Ultrafast Symposium

13.02.2025: Congratulations! Simon won the award for the best PhD talk at the ANZ Ultrafast Symposium at Adelaide!


Christmas Party

18.12.2024: EP 38 Christmas Party in the seminar room.


Our ScaleUp Room

30.09.2024: Our new ScaleUp room is now ready for use.



30.09.2024: Group trip to Spessart


Congratulations Michael!

06.09.2024: ...and just a day later, so did Michael.


Congratulations Sanchayeeta!

05.09.2024: Sanchayeeta successfully defended her PhD thesis.


Christmas break

22.12.2023: EP 3 and 8 wish a merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Congratulations Christoph!

20.11.2023: Christoph successfully defended his PhD thesis.


Master thesis submitted

17.11.2023: Lucas successfully finished his Masters thesis.


Plasmonic waveguides

02.11.2023: Michael's paper on intermediate-field coupling to waveguides is online .


Printed Labs

2.10.2023: Our website on 3D printed equipment for optics labs in online here .


Bachelor thesis submitted

26.07.2023: Johannes successfully finished his bachelor thesis.


Bachelor thesis submitted

11.05.2023: Julian successfully finished his Bachelor thesis!


Bachelor thesis submitted

29.03.2023: Tina successfully finished her Bachelor thesis!


Bachelor thesis submitted

25.01.2023: ...and so did Svenja!


Bachelor thesis submitted

13.01.2023: Kathrin successfully finished her Bachelor thesis!


Christmas Party

19.12.2022: End-of-year-dinner...Merry Christmas to everybody!


Master thesis submitted

30.09.2022: Congratulations! Kilian successfully finished his master thesis.


Master thesis submitted

30.09.2022: Congratulations! Andreas successfully finished his master thesis.


Oriented dye mononlayers

12.09.2022: Christoph determines the orientation of dye layers: online .

Congratulations Julian!

29.07.2022: Julian successfully defended his PhD thesis.


New Bachelor

03.05.2022: Welcome! Tina joined our team as a Bachelor Student.


New Bachelor

03.05.2022: Welcome! Svenja joined our team as a Bachelor Student.


Waltraud is retiring

21.04.2022: After 24 years at EP III, our secretary Waltraud Rödel is retiring. We wish her all the best!

Congratulations Christian!

12.11.2021: Christian successfully defended his PhD thesis.

Bachelor thesis submitted

25.10.2021: Felix successfully finished his Bachelor thesis. Congratulations!

Bachelor thesis submitted

01.10.2021: Julius successfully finished his Bachelor thesis. Congratulations!

Open Educational Resources

02.9.2021: Our first step, 'Experiments in Spectroscopy', see doi:10.5281/zenodo.5377927


Congratulations Gerhard!

29.03.2021: Gerhard successfully defended his PhD thesis.

New Technician

01.03.2021: Welcome! Linda joined our team as a technician.

Master thesis submitted

28.02.2021: Fabian successfully finished his master thesis. Congratulations!

Bachelor thesis submitted

27.02.2021: Michael successfully finished his Bachelor thesis. Congratulations!

Bachelor thesis submitted

11.02.2021: Kilian Wittmann has sucessfully finished his Bachelor thesis

Bachelor thesis submitted

01.02.2021: Congratulations! Julian submitted his Bachelor thesis.

New Master Student

01.11.2020: Valentin Dichtl joined our group as a Master student. Welcome!

Patrick is leaving

31.10.2020: After six years at EPIII, Patrick is leaving for a job in industry. We wish him all the best!

Master thesis submitted

18.05.2020: Congratulations! Johannes has submitted his master thesis on linear and nonlinear spectroscopy on graphene and gold nanostructures.

New Bachelor

02.05.2020: We are happy to welcome Julian Alin as new Bachelor student.

New Bachelor

02.05.2020: Bachelor student Michael Stur started working in our group. Welcome!

New Bachelor

02.05.2020: We are happy to welcome Bachelor student Sebastian Matt in our team!

New Bachelor

02.05.2020: Kathrin Ständer joined our group as a Bachelor student. Welcome!

New Bachelor

02.05.2020: We are happy to welcome Sofia Schwarz as a new Bachelor student!

New Bachelor

02.05.2020: Bachelor student Kilian Wittmann joined our group. Welcome!

New Masters Student

01.03.2020: We welcome back Simon, now starting his Masters thesis!

A single molecule

24.02.2020: Christian's paper on single molecule nonlinear optics in a plasmonic waveguide appears at Nano Letters! more ...

Christmas Party

17.12.2019: Crappy secret santa has become a tradition at the chair christmas party. Thanks to all who contributed!

Christmas Party

17.12.2019: Crappy secret santa has become a tradition at the chair christmas party. Thanks to all who contributed!

Congratulations Jonas!

25.11.2019: Jonas Albert successfully defended his PhD thesis today.

New Master Student

24.10.2019: Welcome! Niklas joined our group as a Master student.

New PhD Student

09.10.2019: We are happy to welcome Sanchayeeta Jana as PhD student in our team!

Bachelor thesis submitted

30.09.2019: Congratulations! Lucas has sucessfully finished his Bachelor thesis on Modulation spectroscopy of single nanoparticles!

New Master Student

23.09.2019: Also Fabian Paul is back in our group as a Master student. Welcome!

New PhD Student

01.09.2019: We are happy to welcome Michael Seidel back as PhD student in our team!

Silver Plasmonics

29.04.2019: Christian and Subhasis succeeded to excite fluorophores through a silver waveguide. more ...

Master thesis submitted

16.01.2019: Congratulations! Christoph has submitted his master thesis on Four-wave mixing spectroscopy with shaped laser pulses.

Christmas party

20.12.2018: Christmas party of the chair: Merry christmas and a happy new year to all of you!

Bachelor thesis submitted

14.11.2018: Congratulations! Simon has finished his Bachelor thesis on Angle-resolved transmission spectroscopy of plasmonic nanostructures.

graduate thesis submitted

23.10.2018: Heidi has submitted her graduate thesis. Congratulations!

New Master Student

23.10.2018: We are happy to welcome Master student Johannes Klier in our group!

Bachelor thesis submitted

10.10.2018: Julia has finished her bachelor thesis on third-harmonic emission of noble metal films: The influence of thin-film interference. Congratulations!

Bachelor thesis submitted

08.10.2018: Fabian Paul has finished his Bachelor thesis on antennas for plasmonic waveguides. Congratulations!

Master thesis submitted

04.10.2018: Congratulations! Patrick has submitted his master thesis on the development of a fibre interferometer.

Bachelor thesis submitted

25.09.2018: Fabian Rottmann has finished his Bachelor thesis on coupling quantum dots to plasmonic waveguides. Congratulations!

Group Picture


Summer BBQ

25.06.2018: Time for the traditional summer barbecue of the chair!

Colloids on a mirror

14.04.2018: Julian's spectroscopy of single spheres on mirror is going to appear. more ...

New Bachelor

09.04.2018: We are happy to welcome Bachelor student Heidi Huber in our team!

Nonlinear Plasmonics Review

04.04.2018: Our review on chi(3) processes in plasmonic nanoparticles is online. more ...

New Bachelor

08.03.2018: We are happy to welcome Bachelor student Julia Lang in our team!

New Bachelor

05.03.2018: We are happy to welcome Bachelor student Fabian Paul in our team!

New Bachelor

05.03.2018: We are happy to welcome Bachelor student Fabian Rottmann in our team!

New Bachelor

05.03.2018: We are happy to welcome Bachelor student Simon Durst in our team!

New Secretary

01.03.2018: We are happy to welcome Angelika Maier-Raithel as new secretary in our team!

Welcome back!

02.01.2018: Dr. Thorsten Schumacher is back in Bayreuth, now as staff scientist.

e-Teaching award

17.11.2017: Markus received the Bayreuth University Award for e-teaching.

New Master Student

01.11.2017: We are happy to welcome Master student Christoph Schnupfhagn in our group!

New Bachelor

18.09.2017: Bachelor Student Jannik Kantelhardt and Felix Baier started working in our group. Welcome!

Nanooptics workshop

06.09.2017: Group Trip to the Kleinwalertal, Austria.

Photochromic switch

12.07.2017: A part of Christian's Bachelor thesis became finally a paper. Now online! more ...

Waveguide paper online

07.06.2017: Xiaofei's paper on coupling a quantum dot to a waveguide is online! more ...

Congratulations Christian!

28.04.2017: Christian Dicken defended his thesis today.

New Bachelor

27.03.2017: We are happy to welcome Bachelor student Sofie Krietenstein in our team!

New Bachelor

06.03.2017: We are happy to welcome Bachelor student Hannah Bleiner in our team!

New Postdoc

01.03.2017: Dr. Subhasis Adhikari started working in our group. Welcome! ...

Master thesis submitted

16.02.2017: Julian submitted his Master thesis on third-harmonic generation in waveguides.

New PhD Student

01.02.2017: We are happy to welcome Christian Schörner as PhD student in our team!

Christmas party

20.12.2016: Not all the alcohol was used for lighting purposes.

New Master Students

17.10.2016: Master students Chiara Bauer, Moritz Heindl, and Patrick Pietsch started working in our group. Welcome! ...

Master thesis submitted

01.10.2016: Marco Klement has finished his Master's thesis on building a fiber interferometer for Near Field Microscopy

New Secretary

12.09.2016: We are happy to welcome Fabienne Fürst as new secretary in our team!

Summer BBQ

20.07.2016: Perfect weather for the traditional summer barbecue of the chair!

Group Picture


Teaching Award

05.07.2016: Our PhD student Jonas Albert received the "Goldene Kreide 2016" teaching award of the physics department. Congratulations!

Congratulations Daniela!

29.06.2016: Daniela Wolf has successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations!

Master thesis submitted

18.04.2016: Marvin Berger finished his Master's thesis on spectroscopy of semiconductor nanocrystal aggregates.

Thorsten's paper on optical antennas appeared

12.04.2016: Thorsten's article on optical antennas for nonlinear spectroscopy finally appeared in Applied Physics B. more ...

New Guest Student

06.04.2016: We are happy to welcome Kel-Meng See from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, as guest student in our group!

New Bachelor Students

29.03.2016: Bachelor students Michael Seidel, Simon Streit, and Max Theisen started working in our group. Welcome!

DPG conference

11.03.2016: Some members of our group participated at the DPG spring meeting in Regensburg.

New Bachelor Student

01.03.2016: We are happy to welcome Bachelor student Christoph Schnupfhagn in our group!

Master thesis submitted!

15.02.2016: Laura Meißner has finished her Masters thesis! Congratulations!

Jessica submitted her thesis

09.02.2016: Jessica Koller finished her Master's thesis on dye molecules for plasmonics.

Press release

29.01.2016: Our work on switchable near-fields was covered in a press release by the university.

Daniela and Thorsten in Nature Communications

14.01.2016: Daniela and Thorsten got their work on shaping of nonlinear near fields accepted and online now. Congratulations! more ...

Congratulations Matthias!

18.12.2015: Matthias Brandstetter has successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!

Christmas Party

16.12.2015: Christmas party of the chair in our seminar room.

New Students

02.11.2015: Bachelor student Johannes Weißert and Master student Marco Klement started working in our group. Welcome!

Alexander submitted his Master thesis

30.10.2015: Alexander Neufeld finished his work on our two synchronized GHz pulsed lasers.


05.10.2015: Professor Alois Seilmeier retires after 25 years at EPIII. We wish him all the best!

New Secretary

01.10.2015: We are happy to welcome Iris Raithel as new secretary in our team!

New PhD Student

01.10.2015: We are happy to welcome Gerhard Schäfer as PhD student in our team!

Group Trip

30.09.2015: This year's group trip took place in Kleinwalsertal, Austria. Besides the seminar program, we hiked through the rocky gorge of the Breitach and climbed the "Hoher Ifen".

Daniel's Bachelor Thesis submitted

25.09.2015: Daniel Sommerman has finished his Bachelor thesis on sharp metal tips for nearfield microscopy.

Group Picture


Summer BBQ

29.07.2015: It's time for the traditional summer barbecue of the chair.

New guest professor

09.07.2015: We are happy to welcome Prof. Dr. Ping Jiang from the China University of Petroleum, Huadong, as guest professor in our group.

Congratulations Marina!

08.07.2015: Marina Fleischmann has successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations!


30.06.2015: Our secretary Evi Barthmann retires. We wish her all the best!

New Bachelor Student

01.04.2015: Bachelor student Daniel Sommermann started working in our group. Welcome!

Congratulations Thorsten!

17.01.2015: Our postdoc Thorsten Schumacher receives the Research Prize of the Emil Warburg Foundation for his dissertation.

Hongyi's paper on QD-plasmon coupling appeared

13.01.2015: The work of our exchange PhD student Hongyi Zhang appeared in Applied Physics Letters. more ...

Christmas Party

17.12.2014: Christmas party of the chair in our seminar room.

Mario's book chapter is out

13.11.2014: The chapter on nonlinear plasmon optics of Mario Hentschel now finally appeared. Thanks for you work, Mario! more ...

Exchange Program

20.10.2014: Our Master student Marvin Berger will work for three months as a guest student in the group of Dr. Daniel Gomez at the University of Melbourne, Australia.

New Master Students

01.10.2014: We are happy to welcome Master students Jessica Koller, Marvin Berger, and Alexander Neufeld in our team!

Exchange Program

01.09.2014: Stuart Earl from the group of Dr. Daniel Gomez, University of Melbourne, Australia, will work as guest student in our group for two months. Welcome!

New Team Member

01.08.2014: Patrick Knödler started working as technician in our team. He will take care of the fabrication and characterization of samples. Welcome!

Congratulations Thorsten!

23.07.2014: Thorsten Schumacher has successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!

Daniel and Klas in Nature Communications

04.07.2014: Daniel and Klas got their work on imaging and steering plasmonic antennas accepted and online now. Congratulations! more ...

New guest professor

01.07.2014: We are happy to welcome Prof. Dr. Robin (Chen-Bin) Huang from the National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, as guest professor in our group.

Mikko and Klas on winged antennas

15.06.2014: A clever trick on how to make 3D winged antennas is published by Mikko and Klas in Optics Letters. more ...

Bernd and Thorsten on nonlinear plasmonics

16.05.2014: The experiment of Bernd together with the theory of Thorsten on nonlinear plasmonics is now in ACS Photonics. more ...

ITO does not help to get more light

14.04.2014: Bernd and Thorsten found that nonlinear particles do not help to generate more nonlinear light, now online in NanoLetters. more ...

New Master Student

01.04.2014: Master student Laura Meißner started working in our group. Welcome!

New Bachelor Students

01.04.2014: We are happy to welcome Bachelor students Julian Obermeier, Christian Schörner, and Christoph Söldner in our team!

Moving the labs

19.03.2014: The lab equipment is packed and will be moved tomorrow: Goodbye Stuttgart, hello Bayreuth!

Delivery of the optical tables

05.03.2014: The optical tables have been delivered today! Now everything is ready for the moving of the labs.

Very accurate placement of plasmonic antennas

19.12.2013: Markus, Klas, and Hongyi demonstrated how to position an antenna with 11nm accuracy, and published it in NanoLetters. more ...

Renovation in progress

15.10.2013: A few impressions of the renovation works in our labs.

Renovation has started

25.09.2013: Renovation of our big laser lab has started. Some additional walls will come, windows will go.

Thorsten's NanoLetter online

21.03.2013: Thorsten's work on single CdSe nanowire pump-probe spectroscopy is online now! more ...

Webmaster: Angelika Maier-Raithel

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