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Physikalisches Institut

Lehrstuhl Experimentalphysik III - Ultraschnelle Nanooptik

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Der wissenschaftliche Schwerpunkt des Lehrstuhls ist die optische Spektroskopie, also die Untersuchung von Materie mit Hilfe von Licht. Insbesondere verwenden wir häufig kurze Laserpulse, um die Dynamik optischer Eigenschaften auf der Femtosekunden-Zeitskala zu untersuchen.

Wir beschäftigen uns mit ultraschneller Nanooptik, also der Kombination von höchster Zeitauflösung (Femtosekunden) mit hoher Ortsauflösung (Nanometer) in der optischen Spektroskopie. Mit dieser Methode untersuchen wir insbesondere einzelne Nanoobjekte wie Moleküle, Halbleiternanokristalle oder Metallnanopartikel, aber auch Graphen. Ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel sind dabei Goldnanostrukturen, die Plasmonresonanz zeigen und ähnlich wie eine Antenne die Wechselwirkung von Licht mit dem Nanoobjekt verstärken können.

Die Gruppe von Prof. Alois Seilmeier konzentrierte sich auf die zeitaufgelöste Spektroskopie komplexer Halbleiterstrukturen im sichtbaren und infraroten Spektralbereich. Seit Mai 2017 ist Prof. Georg Herink Nachfolger von Prof. Seilmeier. Er beschäftigt sich mit der Echtzeitspektroskopie schneller Prozesse.


Melbourne Workshop

24.02.2025: Our international graduate school OPTEXC meets at Melbourne University.


Best PhD-Talk at the ANZ Ultrafast Symposium

13.02.2025: Congratulations! Simon won the award for the best PhD talk at the ANZ Ultrafast Symposium at Adelaide!


Christmas Party

18.12.2024: EP 38 Christmas Party in the seminar room.


Our ScaleUp Room

30.09.2024: Our new ScaleUp room is now ready for use.



30.09.2024: Group trip to Spessart


Congratulations Michael!

06.09.2024: ...and just a day later, so did Michael.


Congratulations Sanchayeeta!

05.09.2024: Sanchayeeta successfully defended her PhD thesis.


Christmas break

22.12.2023: EP 3 and 8 wish a merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Congratulations Christoph!

20.11.2023: Christoph successfully defended his PhD thesis.


Master thesis submitted

17.11.2023: Lucas successfully finished his Masters thesis.


Plasmonic waveguides

02.11.2023: Michael's paper on intermediate-field coupling to waveguides is online .


Printed Labs

2.10.2023: Our website on 3D printed equipment for optics labs in online here .


Bachelor thesis submitted

26.07.2023: Johannes successfully finished his bachelor thesis.


Bachelor thesis submitted

11.05.2023: Julian successfully finished his Bachelor thesis!


Bachelor thesis submitted

29.03.2023: Tina successfully finished her Bachelor thesis!


Bachelor thesis submitted

25.01.2023: ...and so did Svenja!


Bachelor thesis submitted

13.01.2023: Kathrin successfully finished her Bachelor thesis!


Christmas Party

19.12.2022: End-of-year-dinner...Merry Christmas to everybody!


Master thesis submitted

30.09.2022: Congratulations! Kilian successfully finished his master thesis.


Master thesis submitted

30.09.2022: Congratulations! Andreas successfully finished his master thesis.


Oriented dye mononlayers

12.09.2022: Christoph determines the orientation of dye layers: online .

Congratulations Julian!

29.07.2022: Julian successfully defended his PhD thesis.


New Bachelor

03.05.2022: Welcome! Tina joined our team as a Bachelor Student.


New Bachelor

03.05.2022: Welcome! Svenja joined our team as a Bachelor Student.


Waltraud is retiring

21.04.2022: After 24 years at EP III, our secretary Waltraud Rödel is retiring. We wish her all the best!

Congratulations Christian!

12.11.2021: Christian successfully defended his PhD thesis.

Bachelor thesis submitted

25.10.2021: Felix successfully finished his Bachelor thesis. Congratulations!

Bachelor thesis submitted

01.10.2021: Julius successfully finished his Bachelor thesis. Congratulations!

Open Educational Resources

02.9.2021: Our first step, 'Experiments in Spectroscopy', see doi:10.5281/zenodo.5377927


Congratulations Gerhard!

29.03.2021: Gerhard successfully defended his PhD thesis.

New Technician

01.03.2021: Welcome! Linda joined our team as a technician.

Master thesis submitted

28.02.2021: Fabian successfully finished his master thesis. Congratulations!

Bachelor thesis submitted

27.02.2021: Michael successfully finished his Bachelor thesis. Congratulations!

Bachelor thesis submitted

11.02.2021: Kilian Wittmann has sucessfully finished his Bachelor thesis

Bachelor thesis submitted

01.02.2021: Congratulations! Julian submitted his Bachelor thesis.

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Univ.Prof.Dr. Markus Lippitz

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